Friday, 26 March 2010

How to get MASSIVE Targeted Traffic in 15 minutes

You might have noticed that Twitter is the biggest news on the internet now. With some hundreds of thousands of new
people joining Twitter each day, it is emerging as one of the largest and fastest growing social networking sites at this time.

As there are millions of people joining up to and logging into Twitter everyday, Twitter turns out a bigger and better
opportunity to get you loads of targeted traffic to your website.

Though you can access millions of people on Twitter, you will need to work aptly in reaching out to them correctly. Here is
where Tweet Traffic Rush can help you out.

Tweet Traffic Rush is the easiest, fastest and most efficient way to get a flood of laser targeted visitors to your site
through Twitter and this is... Absolutely FREE!

With Tweet Traffic Rush, you will be able to use Twitter to spread your marketing messages virally and work in creating
an Avalanche of FREE Targeted Traffic to Your Website in a very short time.

And how it works?

All you do is sign up for a free account. Then you will need to add your twitter user name in an appropriate category so as to
get a tiny piece of widget code. And once you add this widget code to your websites, blogs or social networking sites, you'll
start getting more targeted visitors to your site.

If you are tired of and feel difficulty in spreading your marketing messages across the net,

This is How to get MASSIVE Targeted Traffic in 15 minutes
can get you thousands of visitors to your site on autopilot.

Click on the Link and Create Your FREE Account NOW!!

Create a Viral Stream of FREE Targeted Traffic to Your Website Using the Power of Twitter:
See this in action Before You Get This Sweet Cool Tool Free
Its All About Backlinks

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Its All About Backlinks: Strategic Marketing Planning Project Management

           ATTENTION:  Beginners And Newcomers....                                          

A One Page Website Is All You Need To - Get Started Making Money Online"
  • Are You Constantly Thinking You Would Like to Make Money Online?
  • You Can See the Huge Potential, But Don't Know WHAT To Actually Do Next?
Its All About Backlinks:
Strategic Marketing, Planning, Project Management

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Focus On Marketing Your Business Leave the Tech Stuff to the Geeks You Focus On Marketing Your Business Leave the Tech Stuff to the Geeks!!

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Check Out The Most Powerful Search Engine Optimization Software EVER CREATED!
The videos will be posted in intervals throughout the day, so keep an eye on ...
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In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

-- Andre Gide (1869–1951) French Writer

Monday, 8 March 2010

The New Money Making Blog With Money24Seven

Getting more visitors to any site over a period of time is very important to build substantial quantities of incoming traffic or visitors, so it is crucial that this is targeted traffic you’re going after. Which helps to achieve your desired goal should be plenty of ongoing buying traffic!

Because the target keywords phrase was what they were looking for in the first place. This will entice them to your website and if you’re providing a solution for their search queries then it’s more likely they’ll decide to make a purchase for the simply reason that your information, services or solutions are what they were searching for this is how Google does it and if its good enough for Google It'll work for anyone.

Long-Term-Strategys The New Money Making Blog With Money24Seven

You'll literally be FLOODED with new and constant traffic

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Time Sensitive Blog Video Twitter ClickBank.

Dear Right This Moment Very Fortunate Internet Profiteer,

Your On The Money From Imagining to finding a breakthrough marketing technique which generates $855 a day.

Imagine the opportunity making that kind of cash in just 20 minutes a day.

And imagine doing this without having to spend a dime over time.

The last couple of years have put the heat on our finances. Even now many jobs are under real pressure.

Finding a way to supplement the daily income would take the heat off almost anyone with a day job.

You must have heard of so many people making a full-time living from the internet. But is it really achievable? For you? Right now?

Well, the internet’s a massive arena. Every day, hundreds of millions of transactions take place and there’s a wealth of potential for those who know the inside tricks.

But for those who don't know where to look, it can be downright brutal.

But back to our question: is it within your reach?

Whether you’ve tried to make an online income before or not, I’m here to tell you that it’s totally possible.

All you need to do is read this letter very closely for the next few minutes and we’ll show you the quickest and most painfree route there. 

My name’s Mike Wright and I’ve been working on a secret project with Imran S.  After years of frustration, this breakthrough venture has transformed our lives.

And, as of today, the secret’s out

Twitter and ClickBank? (Time-Sensitive Blog and Video)

ClickBank Marketplace With Our Market-Smashing Twitter Software

Combine CLICKBANK and TWITTER (Done FOR You!)

Monday, 1 March 2010

1.Here?s One Link Building Tactic That Nobody Talks About?

As you probably know, syndicating your RSS feed to all the different RSS directories and aggregators can be a great way to get one-way backlinks.

Blog title...

You’re about to begin your journey to becoming a link building ninja. Oh? You don’t know what a link building ninja is… Hmmm. Let me grab my dictionary.
Paste your URL's MASS Ping Device
Tim O'Reilly attempts to clarify just what is meant by Web 2.0, the term first coined at a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly Media and MediaLive International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Your article Internet Business Ideas has been approved!

To view it, please review the following link:

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Earn Money by looking at other people's websites.

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Buy 3 or more... "Get 1 Free"

TOPSURFER - allows advertisers to earn online advertising credit

Earn Money by looking at other people's websites.

Send An Email To All Of TopSurfer's Active Members!
Go Here See What That Looks Like!

Send An Email To All
TopSurfer Active Members
NOT $85 - NOT $65

*Wholesale Members
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Or only $49 for regular members
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TOPSURFER - allows advertisers to earn online advertising credit

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Fact Twitter IS Social Media!

A Little Known Twitter Secret: Re-Tweeting! SOS “Socializing Online Setup"

 Hi ! fellow tweeter fact fans,

 Re-tweeting is a common practice on Twitter where you’ll re-post someone else’s tweet that you like and you think your followers will like.

 With this method, you take the original twitter message someone else has posted, and rebroadcast that same message to your followers. To do a re-tweet, simply type in RT at the beginning of your tweet and then a: @ before the original tweeters username followed by their original tweet.

 Now Twitter will let you click the Retweet button on the Twitter website which will set up the RT function automatically.

 When broadcasting the message, you should definitely give credit to the original poster in the way I showed you above. I know at first it may sound like this will only be good for the original tweeter, but retweeting can actually benefit you just as much if not more because;

 1. It provides more value to your followers.

 When you provide value to your followers, you make them happy! You are also more likely to attract followers. Providing quality content is always a great way to build your business no matter what platform you use.

 2. It will benefit your brand.

 If you point a reader to a source if good information that is truly relevant and beneficial to them, the amount of trust that they have in you will increase.

 3. It will help you build relationships with the original posters.

 Retweeting someone else’s content is an act of kindness, and for the most part bloggers like to return the favor. You shouldn't expect someone to re-tweet your content just because you retweet theirs. Just keep in mind that your chance of being on the other end of a re-tweet increases as you Retweet.               

Fact Twitter IS Social Media!

The bottom line is retweeting is a great way to add quality and value to your Twitter page. If done right, retweeting can help you educate your followers, build your personal brand, increase future traffic, and connect you to other great people in your niche.

 Follow the link below for a full video series on how to exploit Twitter for SEO rankings and more...        

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Over the past few weeks the self-riotous egg heads at Google adwords have banned the
accounts of over 15,000 direct marketers Banned for life! Some of the most straight
up marketers I know. No reasoning, nothing Just an email saying go away.

Fortunately, I already had a plan See where I'm getting the lion's share of my traffic now days
(it ain't Google)

Click the link below right now for my free report

Google is the    most arrogant company on earth just like Yahoo was in their day. Do these jerks never learn...

My new source of traffic is like an "Island of Sanity" compared to these guys

They get 39,000,000,000 (that's          BILLION) views per month and their traffic is super high quality and
dirt cheap

They  love affiliates and direct marketing

You have GOT to get on this... Click the link below right now for my free report

See ya soon

- Ryan Deiss

P.S. PLEASE,   don't spend another dime with Google till you see this.

P.S.S. I will be pulling this report down soon before everybody jumps on the band wagon. Better go watch it now while its FREE

Click the link below right now for my free report

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Making Money Online with YourNetBiz

Your Net Biz | A My Internet Business, LLC Company

We cracked the code and got “Inside the Vault” – and have put together all the secret information, tools, and resources that have been held back from everyone who is reading this – and of course as you already know, this is the secret to real prosperity. This knowledge, that has been sought by millions, but only accessed by a few, is now going to be put into your hands. You’ll have a shot at becoming the next “Internet Millionaire”, by simply providing these real, sought after “recession cures” to a hungry marketplace.
What is the Secret Code To Real Prosperity? The quick answer is…

Create a way for many others to become successful. And that’s what we’ve done here.

And that’s what we’ve done here.

“Right Now” income is a straight line to success,

That’s why it’s called the World Wide Web

Warning: The Current Economic Downturn Will Completely Ruin Any Chance You have of EVER Finding Financial Security, Unless You Have a Proven Strategy To Prosper In These Hard Times....


In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

-- Andre Gide (1869–1951) French Writer

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Yay! You can now share, save, and email any web page right from the page you're on -- faster than ever before.

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What's New (v1.9.6):

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  • NEW: Shareaholic Stats Monitor Shareaholic Stats Monitor. Do you ever wonder how popular the website that you're visiting really is? We have made it easy for you to find out with just 1-click of a button!
Shareaholic fully installed.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Cost Effective SEO Software Called Traffic-Bug Awesomeness.

Submitting to the RSS Directories and More

Anyone who has been online for any time period soon comes to understand search engine Submission Is Vital

Forget Google. Forget Yahoo. Forget Bing. Well OK, remember them, but there is another aspect of search engine submission that you need to keep forcibly at the front of your wits. Your average client will often be searching difficult to find the solution they need to the issue they have. This may doubtless take them to various places around the Internet, and on the way in which they will need to search some more .

Here is the place where you can get a competitive edge on the other sites you do battle with to be seen, because it is right to say, that they are going to have optimised themselves for the major players. While they could well be flying high there, you've got the chance to pick off all the smaller search engines. Here is the tool to give the smaller work from home businesss a chance to out perform the big boys its called Traffic-Bug gives you this chance massively.

Traffic-Bug enables you to use its automated search engine submission tool to get mentioned on lots of smaller, in a few cases really niche search engines. And once your ranking starts to move upwards in those, you can see real advantages to your business.

So automatic search site submission truly is critical. As your sites develop, you will naturally see an improvement in your 'big search engine' ranking, but in the mean time you can get a foot in the door by ranking well with the smaller fellows - cool idea huh?!

How Does Traffic-Bug Work? With Low Monthy Subscription When You're Looking For

* Multiple social bookmarks for your internet site
* RSS submissions of your feed
* Your website to turn up on thousands of directories
* The search websites to to be notified of your sites existance
* And all associated URL's from the marketing of your website to have exactly the same treatment as just described

Then yes. Traffic-Bug truly 'works' and works well.

It truly is astounding that by filling in just one submission form all this is available. But the reality is, it really is all available. Around 2 - 3 mins work will ensure a single URL is submitted to all these places. If you're ony just getting round to starting to bookmark a location of yours with ten pages or posts ( or what ever number ), then that is's just 30 minutes of your time. Think what doing all of that by hand would cost you in sleepless nights. I'll let you're employed that one out

One of the finest features of Traffic-Bug is that it's not restricted to your own sites. If you have just done some article promotion, or created some Web2.0 properties, then you can add these as well using the same formula - and keep everything together as one project. You will always know what has been bookmarked and submitted, you'll be right on top of everything.

If you're still having difficulty in believing that all this is available exclusively for submitting one form, then why not check out a FREE TRIAL for yourself. Sign up, have a go - Mike announces that you can start submitting to the site inside two minutes of signing up, I believe he has exaggerated that by at least 30 seconds. If you really don't see the benefit of the services offered by Traffic-Bug then just cancel your subscription. The worst thing that can happen is that you won't get more links - but you do get to keep the ones you made.

If you are done with submitting your website time upon time after time and using all your promotional time up!, at least check it out with the 11 Day FREE TRIAL. If you do not like what you see, then walk away and keep manually time wasting submitting. This Traffic Bug Semi-Auto Submitter must have tool will save some time and money.

Cost Effective SEO Software Called Traffic-Bug.


In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

-- Andre Gide (1869–1951) French Writer

Thursday, 14 January 2010

POSITIVE Money24Seven Marketing Secrets


In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

-- Andre Gide (1869–1951) French Writer

This Awesome Cost Effective SEO Software Called Traffic-Bug.

This Awesome Cost Effective SEO Software Called Traffic-Bug.

Traffic-Bug submits your site to over 138 different search engines, getting your site indexed even faster by Google,

Saturday, 9 January 2010

I have flicked the light switch on my social networking


It's funny. The other day, I was out reading someone's blog post that was debating how I felt about social networking.

This person said that I failed to actually LIKE it. That isn't always true.

My giant shtick with it is that it can be TIME consuming and takes away from REAL abilities that need to be built.

In other words, inbound links to your sites and that skill is far more important than making the effort to conquer building a structure of people ( which can take a good year or longer ).

The BIGGEST problem is that there weren't the TOOLS there are now for you that blend your attempts into one thing.

Well, in 2010, things are changing enormous TIME.

This video explains here what's coming, what you want to do and how to do it FAST :

My caution to you is : avoid the above video at your own peril.

I have flicked the light switch on my social networking and I recommend that you begin to.

I take you through step by step in the above video and impart the following :

1. How it isn't all about Twitter at all -- there's a BIGGER picture

2. The easy way to stand by for the Google changes in 2010

3. The simple way to integrate virtually every single social networking site into one site and be ready to post from Skype, email, IM, cell phonephone, even ESP ( fooling ) !

4. The most vital WordPress comment plug-in you'll use for 2010

5. The simplest way to build a presence simply without being a-spammer, more importantly

6. How to build the content and what type of content to use, and

7. The simplest way to do it all on auto-pilot ( if you wish - giggle )

8. How it's possible for you to easily set this up in about two hours - no kidding!

Well... Get cracking! - Video for 'You can now update fifty social networks'

Your the other half in profits,