Submitting to the RSS Directories and More
Anyone who has been online for any time period soon comes to understand search engine Submission Is Vital
Forget Google. Forget Yahoo. Forget Bing. Well OK, remember them, but there is another aspect of search engine submission that you need to keep forcibly at the front of your wits. Your average client will often be searching difficult to find the solution they need to the issue they have. This may doubtless take them to various places around the Internet, and on the way in which they will need to search some more .
Here is the place where you can get a competitive edge on the other sites you do battle with to be seen, because it is right to say, that they are going to have optimised themselves for the major players. While they could well be flying high there, you've got the chance to pick off all the smaller search engines. Here is the tool to give the smaller work from home businesss a chance to out perform the big boys its called Traffic-Bug gives you this chance massively.
Traffic-Bug enables you to use its automated search engine submission tool to get mentioned on lots of smaller, in a few cases really niche search engines. And once your ranking starts to move upwards in those, you can see real advantages to your business.
So automatic search site submission truly is critical. As your sites develop, you will naturally see an improvement in your 'big search engine' ranking, but in the mean time you can get a foot in the door by ranking well with the smaller fellows - cool idea huh?!
How Does Traffic-Bug Work? With Low Monthy Subscription When You're Looking For
* Multiple social bookmarks for your internet site
* RSS submissions of your feed
* Your website to turn up on thousands of directories
* The search websites to to be notified of your sites existance
* And all associated URL's from the marketing of your website to have exactly the same treatment as just described
Then yes. Traffic-Bug truly 'works' and works well.
It truly is astounding that by filling in just one submission form all this is available. But the reality is, it really is all available. Around 2 - 3 mins work will ensure a single URL is submitted to all these places. If you're ony just getting round to starting to bookmark a location of yours with ten pages or posts ( or what ever number ), then that is's just 30 minutes of your time. Think what doing all of that by hand would cost you in sleepless nights. I'll let you're employed that one out
One of the finest features of Traffic-Bug is that it's not restricted to your own sites. If you have just done some article promotion, or created some Web2.0 properties, then you can add these as well using the same formula - and keep everything together as one project. You will always know what has been bookmarked and submitted, you'll be right on top of everything.
If you're still having difficulty in believing that all this is available exclusively for submitting one form, then why not check out a
FREE TRIAL for yourself. Sign up, have a go - Mike announces that you can start submitting to the site inside two minutes of signing up, I believe he has exaggerated that by at least 30 seconds. If you really don't see the benefit of the services offered by Traffic-Bug then just cancel your subscription. The worst thing that can happen is that you won't get more links - but you do get to keep the ones you made.
If you are done with submitting your website time upon time after time and using all your promotional time up!, at least check it out with the 11 Day FREE TRIAL. If you do not like what you see, then walk away and keep manually time wasting submitting. This Traffic Bug Semi-Auto Submitter must have tool will save some time and money.
In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
-- Andre Gide (1869–1951) French Writer